Library For All Website

+ Branding      + Web Design      + HTML, CSS, Javascript      + Custom graphics      + Photo manipulation

Library For All, a growing social innovation startup that builds digital libraries in developing countries, needed a new functional website that is modern and clean as it is viewed around the world, including donors and high level officials. The organization has been growing significantly since 2 years and is now launching its 4th site in Cambodia. The website was developed under my direction working directly with Library For All's team. *The website was featured on Squarespace.*

Launch Website 

Creating a new Brand

We decided Library For All's brand needed a strong visual style in both color scheme and typography. We kept the original typeface, Baskerville, to represent books, as primary type and added Proxima Nova, a high quality typeface that is clear and modern for digital apps. That way, we balance both print (books) and digital (the app). We determined that the new website includes high quality photography of the organization's schoolchildren. All custom-made graphics have stamp feel to follow the logo's style. 


Photography of children in school
Colorful, playful
Modern academics + Digital
Stamp feel following the logo




Proxima Nova

Our Process

We first drew a site map and brainstormed what was necessary for the website. It led to high fidelity wireframes to help us visualize how the content placement goes into the site. We built out each page with rewritten content and graphics. From there, the design greatly evolved.

Final Result

LFA Web Landing Page.png