
CSD Unites Campaign: #MakeYourselfCount

CSD Unites has been developing a data aggregation system to collect credible, representative information from Deaf and hard of hearing communities. With data analysis, they will present facts to government and companies to address unmet needs and advocate for an equitable livelihood for the Deaf and hard of hearing communities. 

Our goal was to gather 3,000 survey results, and we succeeded with it within a month. #MakeYourselfCount campaign quickly ignited many partnerships that advocate for Deaf communities, such as Sorenson VRS and Deaf Action Center. This led them to host local events, in which they allowed community members to utilize computers in their public areas and fill out survey. 

I handled the visual direction and branding identity for web, photography, social media, and media kit. 

Work completed while under employment with direction of CSD Creative.

Website Design + Introductory Video

Visit makeyourselfcount.org

Branding + Social Media
